I was feeling really bored, so i'm doing 2 tags at once :D
First one by Rixie!
1. Post these rules before you give your facts.
2. List 8 random facts about yourself.
3. At the end of your post, choose 8 people to tag and list their names, linking to them.
4. Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know they're tagged.
Random things about me
1. I'm known as Krixie or Krixstal :D
2. I normally wear a headset even though i have computer speakers
3. I have a red and gold Handphone
4. I don't know whether I like someone :P
5. I game for fun, not to win
6. I prefer Japanese songs rather then English songs
7. I also prefer game musics :P
8. I like old old games
8 People to tag
lianne <3
AP, although chances are she won't take it
Evie, maybe?
Cat, although it's a waste of time
Cat's second blog :D
Lizzie! Kuah?
Lynn! I'll tag your bf while i'm at it :D
Xuannie! If you even read this
And then we have lianne's complicating tag.
Name : Krixie
Sisters : No blood related, but pet sisters i have Rixie, Cat and lianne!
Brothers : one. Yeah.
Shoe Size : Quite big, can't even remember.
Height : Medium, average, i haven't checked for a long time.
Where do you live : In a cosy room in my house. yeah.
Favourite drinks : Ice Lemon Tea. You can't beat it :D Teh O Ais Limau also counts.
Favourite breakfast : Buns, breads, (anything simple and easy to eat)
Have you ever been on a plane? : A few times
Swam in the ocean : Nope
Fallen asleep at school : Err... excuse me? Falling asleep in school is me!
Broken someone's heart : No idea i think.
Fell off your chair : When mr.Sim C T pushed me off my chair in anger. During Form 1.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Nope.
What is your room like : Deliberately left messy.
What's right beside you : My cupboard, my handphone, and a bottle of water.
What is the last thing you ate : egg tarts. <3 egg tarts.
Ever had chicken pox : Can't exactly remember.
Sore throat : to quote lianne: "er, who hasnt?"
Stitches : No idea, can't remember.
Broken nose : Thankfully i don't fall on my nose.
Do you believe in love at first sight : At times <3
Like picnics? : If it's not too hot. If it doesn't rain. If it's cloudy. If it's with friends. If it's without ants. Yeah.
Who was the last person you danced with : Danced... i think the Dance Dance Revolution Machine?
Last person made you smile : Does laugh count? I just laughed my head off during an auctionopoly game.
You last yelled at : Can't remember. I don't exactly yell a lot.
Today did you kissed anyone : Nope.
Get sick : A few times a year... although i don't reveal it. (The last time i did fell sick was a funny matter :P)
Miss someone : I don't know, frankly.
Eat : does candy count? i ate a rock candy 5 minutes ago.
Best feeling in the world : happiness.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals : Nah...
What's under your bed : Some boxes and a powerplug. O, and a lot of dust.
Who do you really hate : A few people, but i can't exactly put them here right :P
What time : 3.10 AM
5 things I was doing 10 years ago :
When i was 8... standard 2...
# Playing music with my ocarina.
# wonder what's the meaning of study
# understanding and loving maths
# Rush around happily
# Find the Teacher's office
5 things on my to-do list today :
Erm... at 3.11 AM...
# Sleep. First things first.
# Update the mafia... as usual.
# Email Mr.Ben
# Get more sleep.
# Do something which always slips my mind when i need to do it.
5 snacks I enjoy :
# chocolate. Number 1.
# Mamee Monster. :P
# Some sort of rock candy in my fridge.
# Tic-Tac
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire :
# Pay back my family's house mortgage.
# Get a car.
# Start looking for more education.
# Bring a girl out for a date :P
# Organize a holiday!
5 of my bad habits :
# Sleeping in class. Nuff said.
# Teasing others. I just can't help it.
# Trying to hug Rixie. She keeps pushing me away T_T
# Sleeping in front of Rixie. She keeps reminding me it's bad.
# Skipping LAN. I know we shouldn't...
5 places I have lived/stayed a night in :
# My own room?
# Genting
# Australia
# America
# Out on the balcony. It was perfect until it started raining.
5 things I will do after completing what I'm busy with :
you mean normally? hm...
# Sleep
# Think of more stuff to do
# Start playing games
# Think of more stuff to burn
# Brainstorm
I tag :
# Rixie!!!!
# AP
# Cat. Doubt she'll do it. But still.
# Evie. If she reads this blog.
# Lizzie, Kora!
Ok done yay
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