Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Now that i'm finally free...

Well, now that i'm finally free, i decided to write this whole thing out.

My college friends

I realized it's so much easier for me to go by class, so i'll do that. (A few people get more then 1 mention, otherwise, they go in the class they matter the most)

Period 1: English4U. (8-9.15) Teacher: Mr. Ben

1. Jonathan

Up till the end of college, you're still one of the most dependable friends ever. You take ever situation calmly, and you do things once you know how it will work out. Honestly, if there's a person suitable for the student council post, it's you. That said, you're a really good friend as well (:

2. Vinesh

As the person who is the first to see me either sleeping or playing an invisible piano (cough cough, oops), you've been a very good friend throughout the semester. And thanks for the trial play :D
You think of a lot of ingenious stuff, and well, jokes and talks a lot.

3. Deanna

Another girl sitting at the opposite end of class, the only reason we got to know each other was because of Rixie. Not that i'm complaining. A girl sharing the love for Animes, and well, dislike for literature lol.
You're the one who always laugh, whether it be in the worst kind of situations or normal places. You're the one who brings my mood up (:

4. Elizabeth

The other "dumb one" as we termed ourselves for taking Law, History, and English4U together. Which means 3 essays due in 4 days lol. But for some reason, we got through it (:
Anyway, you're another dependable girl who has never skipped class (crazy), and despite everything gets everything done on time. I'll miss you when you go back to Melaka...
Thanks for the 5 months of friendship (:

5. All the rest of you

Yup (:

Period 2: Challenge and Changes in Society (9.15 - 10.30). Teacher: Mr. G

1. Amelia

After what happened, how can you not be top here (: You're erm...
And yet you're such a good friend... nah screw friend. You've been a very dear sister to me. :D
And you're the one responsible for destroying my notebook (with texts) but i'll let that slide given that he doesn't check it anyway.
We'll keep in touch forever, we know that (:

2. AP

So erm, this girl is weird is many different senses. She's absent-minded (O god at that air-con controller instead of handphone), she does anything weird when she's bored (stacking highlighters, much to our laughter behind), and she skips around 40 minutes of the 75 minutes everyday. Despite this setback (lol), she's still a crazy one who keeps the fun and laughter up.

O, and i can never remember your real face unless i'm looking at you, because when i think of you I think of "Chibi AP", as termed by Amelia. Honestly.
Which is why the only adjective i can give to you is "cute". Even when you're going "CCA go die CCA go die CCA go die CCA go die".

P.S: You and Amelia are probably the only reasons why i'm actually going for this class (:

3. Pamela/May/Jon/Sarvesh

These 4 people sitting behind me are all friendly, fun and can talk. I'm sorry I can't put much words in here, but all of you help to keep this class interesting (which I find it hard), and in group talks we make a good gang (:

4. Everyone else.

Period 3: Canadian and International Law. (10.30 - 11.45) Teacher: Mr.Hanna

P.S: Say hi to the defense team (:

1. Hwee Lynn (Chief Defense Lawyer)

Well, after so long of knowing each other, we're finally in the same class. And well, you've been awesome. I just cannot find the words to describe you, apart from being a good and well, awesome friend.

2. Amelia (Defense Team)

How many times have we tried to stab each other in Law? How many times did we steal each other's Tic-Tacs? I can't count anymore.
Over the months, we've become such close friends until we're almost siblings... Until I never want us to seperate...

3. Pei Fang (Defense Team)

Yeah, apparently, the defense team was rigged and we had both the DJrians together. She's the one who will try and counter all my arguments when i'm presenting, and according to her words "for the sake of it". The down-to-earth "mature" girl that is the one who keeps the calm in the team.
Somehow, even extremely different people can be close friends (:

4. Brandon (Jury)

Goodbye Mr.Messy. Despite the fact that you're trying to be a bad boy, you're probably the most good among the group we're in. The only one who actually brings his text-book, and well, up till the end we're solid friends.

5. Damien (Court Clerk)

I know, I know, I'm the youngest at our table (the only 18 years old lol), but age doesn't matter in friendship. He's the slightly gay anti-gay guy. Don't ask lol.
The one who sees me "sleeping" in law class, but ends up finding that i heard more then him. Gosh.

6. Everyone else.

This class is a bomb, and if i wrote everyone, i would be writing almost forever. Shoutouts to Mehdi, AP, Elizabeth, Liberata, Liann, Abdi, Shakina, the list goes on and on. Thanks for the awesome times we had. (And i can't wait for the trial)

Period 6: World History. (2.15 - 3.30). Teacher: Mr.Hanna

This is dedicated to the people sitting in the group. As such, there will be no numbering, as everyone is equal.

Hexen - The girl who doesn't know who Batman is. She has a lot of crazy reactions (Sunburn!? How did you know I had a sunburn!?), which sometimes lead to both laughter and pain (Ming Han, you nearly killed me!!!). Good luck for your next sem, and we'll call you if we ever land up in Penang!

Julia -
Typical conversation:
Me: Mummy, Amelia is bullying me T_T
Melia: Mummy, Ming Han is bullying me T_T

Lol I don't understand how she puts up with us, but she's probably the fun of the group. I've never seen her angry ONCE, (apart from those pretense anger which usually reverts back to laughter in about 3 seconds), and well, she laughs at everything. If we ever drop by Sarawak, come with us (:

Amelia - How did you even enter our group without teacher caring :D Still, you've added another side to the joy we have in our group :D
And stop dragging Julia away! Stop!!!!

Hykial - The know-it-all Hykial, as long as it's about war. Or Hitler, or Stalin, or war. Uberly sarcastic, and was the one responsible for finding out that Hexen did not know who Batman was. A CoD4 freak (come on, it's war), he probably knows more about weapons, armies, and war stuff then anyone else in ICPU.

Alfred - Batman's butler. The one who never pays attention, and who refuses to answer any questions. He's the calm one of the group, and is normally the one picked upon by the rest of us (especially Hykial).

Jeremy - Older, with piercings, he looks like the gangster of the group. But honestly, he's also a really really good friend. But there is a 10% absent rate lol.
Another wise-cracker in the group.

Honestly, History class is the bomb, and is the class which i'll come for every single time. (Unless i don't even come to college). Everyone here are wonderful.


First off, to the three people who changed my life dramatically and beneficially

1. Amelia
Thanks to you, my last worry was completely destroyed. You thought me that real friends will always be together, and that they'll never separate. You also thought me how to care for others, something which i forgot how to over the years. I hope we see each other over and over again throughout the years.
I'll be waiting after exams (:

2. Lianne
The one who taught me about college life, who made me understood why I was different. Not that I cared about being different. Throughout the entire year you've been such a good friend that I'll miss you so much when you go to Australia. After all, despite our differences, we had so many similar problems, and speaking with you made me realize so many different things.
Also, should i call you sensei as well? :P

3. Hwee Lynn
The final one who made me understood. I'll remember what you told me throughout my entire life, and it's thanks to you that I'm finally recovering from my secondary school horrors. I'll never forget what you told me, and I hope we'll be good friends forever (:

And for the next? Honestly, I can't say. Everyone else were all such good friends, I'm really sad that my college life is almost coming to an end. But since we're friends, we'll see each other again, right (: After all, I can't be afraid anymore.

Thank you everyone.

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