Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What i have been doing all this time

So all this time i've been claiming hibernating, but in truth i was playing :D

So what was i doing anyways?

Well, introducing Team Jane and it's members, Amelia the Prinplup and Chikorita!

Ridiculously fun game that i've been playing for 14 hours, keeping me late up at nights, making me not wanting to sleep. :D
P.S: It's more then 14 hours, since my first game, Team Krixstalixie with Amelia the Pikachu and Turtwig was destroyed when my com was reformatted (Poor Pikachu).

So, here are some pictures of this game!

1: A Silver Rank team, in front of Temporal Tower.
2: In front of Wigglytuff's guild, the home base. Welcome home.
3. Saving game. Please wait a moment... :P
5. Amelia and Chikorita posing next to Lapras. Look at Chikorita jumping :D
6. Apples, mmmm. Along with a big apple, the food to eat while exploring dungeons! Standing behind Amelia and Chikorita are the temporary members of Team Jane, Larvitar and Seviper.

On my next playthrough, i'll be introducing more pictures in the game :D Stay tuned for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time :D

P.S: Before you people comment, i've been using Amelia for any Pokemon Related Game before college.

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