Saturday, September 5, 2009


Holidays are almost over... so a few things are in order.

A: This belt is worth 6000.
E: I'll pay you 8000!
A: ...Done.
E: YES! I got it in one try! I'm am totally the best haggler!

Lol at today's OOTS honestly >< haven't had a strip which made me laugh for so much before.


Does anyone remember the lecture on procrastination? I think i procrastinated going to it XD
Seriously, MOB assignment pass up on wednesday (today is monday) and i haven't started LOL.


Yesterday's trip was fun. Today's trip was fun, with one big difference.
Ouch ouch ouch. Damn you Marcus for not feeling the pain.
All 6 of us (Me, Karen, Dwayne, CV, Don and Mei Wan) woke up today with aches in our body lol. After so long of no sports (for some of us, no badminton), it's pain to play 2 and a half hour straight of it lol.


I showed my mum a reciept, which i told her was lunch for 4 ppl (it's actually 6). She almost screamed at the price of RM 150 ++
Japanese food <3


"Perfect's car driving is perfect."


Tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow
I can't wait

And i'm too lazy to start my assignment /cry
Procrastinates more XD

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